Our Articles
Replacement of FRS 17 With 116 (IFRS 16): Leases
In 2016, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) published a new accounting standard…
Implementation Of CorpPass Replaces SingPass With Effect From 2018
SIgnPass update: Business can still log in to access statutory e-services with SignPress before 31…
IFRS 15 – Impact On The Construction And Advertising Industries
IFRS 15 specifies the circumstances under which an entity recognizes revenue as well as requiring…
How Does The Increased Water Prices Affect Singapore’s Various Industries?
At the 2017 Singapore Budget, it was announced that the water prices were to increase for the first…
Five Advantages of Million Accounting System
When customers mention accounting software, several names like MYOB, ACCPAC and Quickbooks come to…
Singapore New Audit Exemption For Financial Periods Starting On Or After 1 July 2015
The amendments to the Companies Act include Singapore audit exemptions for smaller companies with…
Cloud Accounting Or Traditional Off-The-Shelf Accounting Software Is More Suitable For Your Business?
What is cloud accounting? Cloud accounting or traditional off-the-shelf (or desktop) accounting…
Five Reasons To Keep Proper Accounting Records
Summary: Maintaining proper accounting records is tedious and time-consuming. But accounting…