Our Articles
GST Implication From Customer Accounting
Starting from 1 January 2019, customer accounting for prescribed goods in mandatory required under…
Should I Hire Overseas Returnees?
According to Hays, about 85% of employers in Singapore say that they are willing to hire overseas…
Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW) Levy Concession
Businesses in Singapore are required do adhere to the accounting regulations set by ASC or the…
Introduction And Impact Of SORA On Corporate Borrowers
On August 30, The Monetary Authority of SIngapore (MAS) announced the transition of the interest…
How To Choose A Suitable Accounting Software For Your Business?
It is necessary to have accounting software to monitor the cash movement and the financial health of…
Eight Ways Technological Innovations Changed Small And Medium Business Accounting
The forward-thinking accounting firms in Singapore advocate cloud computing and the use of an…
Return of Data Register Pte Ltd
Overview Data Register Pte Ltd, a Singapore-registered company and previously known as the Company…
Sole Proprietorship And Private Limited Company
Sole Proprietorship is the simplest business structure that can be formed easily with minimal cost…
PayNow Corporate – Its Pros And Cons
PayNow corporate, a new paradigm in the world of cashless transaction. The fund transfer service…
Why Companies Should Outsource Their Payroll?
Back-office activities, such as managing accounts, payroll and other financial responsibilities…