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SingPass Update:

Businesses can still login to access statutory e-services with SingPass before 31 August 2018.  On 1 September 2018, only users with a CorpPass account can access.


Since 25 March 2017, all local businesses can use a new corporate digital identity (CorpPass) to access the Government-to-Business (G2B) digital services in Singapore.

With the increased digitalisation of businesses and platforms, a high volume of business transactions is being conducted through digital platforms with SingPass. However, there are security concerns over the sharing of SingPass login details with other individuals for transactions with statutory boards, such as ACRA, IRAS and CPF Board.

CorpPass allows for the conflation of such e-services – as a single corporate digital identity, it enhances the convenience and ease of management for businesses. For businesses that carry out transactions with multiple government agencies, CorpPass will remove the need for multiple login identities. Businesses can also allocate CorpPass’s various administrative roles to employees, allowing them to have a greater level of control and management.

Businesses have to obtain their CorpPass via online application.  The use of SingPass will cease on 31 December 2017.  From 1 January 2018 onwards, business entities can only transact with ACRA with the CorpPass accounts registered.

Do you have other related questions about CorpPass? Get in touch with Mighty Glory today, let’s discuss your business needs.

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