Replacement of FRS 17 With 116 (IFRS 16): Leases

Replacement of FRS 17 With 116 (IFRS 16): Leases

In 2016, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) published a new accounting standard IFRS 16, Leases.  The Accounting Standards Council (ASC) of Singapore, in following the IASB, announced the equivalent standard for leases, FRS 116.  This will come into effect from January 2019 onwards, replacing the current FRS 17, with early adoption permitted.

This Standard is applicable to all leases, including leases of right-of-use assets in a sublease, except for those leases which are applying other standards.

The primary change that FRS 116 entails is that lessees will now use a single lessee model.  Previously, under FRS 17, leases could be categorised as capital or operating leases.

FRS 116 implementation is expected to be challenging for businesses with many lease contracts.  This stems mainly from the high financial obligations of implementing it, which includes establishing a consolidated database of the existing lease contracts and transactions, as well as revising prior accounting information to meet the requirements of FRS 116, where necessary.

The financial implication of implementing FRS 116 is the expected increase in leverage ratio (long term solvency) due to the increase in financial liabilities and decrease in equity.  Current ratio (liquidity) would be decreased as well; current liabilities will increase, provided that the current assets remain at status quo.  Meanwhile, the non-current assets amount is not reporting the exact value of assets owned by the business because leased assets are included in the lessees’ books. Businesses might consider purchasing assets rather than leasing and prioritising service contracts over leasing assets.

Nevertheless, FRS 116 assists in enhancing transparency because of the disclosure requirements in the financial statements, such as the net effect of the sale and leaseback transactions and expenses on leases of low-value assets and short-term leases.

Do you have other questions regarding the new accounting standard FRS 116 in Singapore or any concern about accounting works on leases? Talk to the accounting experts in Singapore. Contact Mighty Glory Corporate Solutions today and discuss with us your needs.

Implementation Of CorpPass Replaces SingPass With Effect From 2018

Implementation Of CorpPass Replaces SingPass With Effect From 2018

SingPass Update:

Businesses can still login to access statutory e-services with SingPass before 31 August 2018.  On 1 September 2018, only users with a CorpPass account can access.


Since 25 March 2017, all local businesses can use a new corporate digital identity (CorpPass) to access the Government-to-Business (G2B) digital services in Singapore.

With the increased digitalisation of businesses and platforms, a high volume of business transactions is being conducted through digital platforms with SingPass. However, there are security concerns over the sharing of SingPass login details with other individuals for transactions with statutory boards, such as ACRA, IRAS and CPF Board.

CorpPass allows for the conflation of such e-services – as a single corporate digital identity, it enhances the convenience and ease of management for businesses. For businesses that carry out transactions with multiple government agencies, CorpPass will remove the need for multiple login identities. Businesses can also allocate CorpPass’s various administrative roles to employees, allowing them to have a greater level of control and management.

Businesses have to obtain their CorpPass via online application.  The use of SingPass will cease on 31 December 2017.  From 1 January 2018 onwards, business entities can only transact with ACRA with the CorpPass accounts registered.

Do you have other related questions about CorpPass? Get in touch with Mighty Glory today, let’s discuss your business needs.

IFRS 15 – Impact On The Construction And Advertising Industries

IFRS 15 – Impact On The Construction And Advertising Industries

IFRS 15 specifies the circumstances under which an entity recognizes revenue as well as requiring companies to provide users of financial statements with more informative and relevant disclosures. The standard provides a principles-based five-step model to be applied to contracts with customers and will apply to the annual reporting period beginning on or after 1 January 2018.

IFRS 15 replaces the following standards and interpretations:

  • IAS 11 Construction contracts
  • IAS 18 Revenue
  • IFRIC 13 Customer Loyalty Programmes
  • IFRIC 15 Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate
  • IFRIC 18 Transfers of Assets from Customers
  • SIC-31 Revenue – Barter Transactions Involving Advertising Services

The impact of IFRS 15 on the Construction Industry:

Contract inception

1. Capitalizing on pre-contract costs
  • Under IFRS 15, an entity recognises as an asset the incremental costs of obtaining a contract with a customer only if it expects to recover those costs. However, if the amortization period of the asset is one year or less, the entity is allowed to expense such costs as incurred.
  • Incremental costs of obtaining a contract are costs that are incurred only as a result of winning a contract (e.g. a sale commission). Although this focus on purely incremental cost already exists in current IFRS; it is a new approach in contract accounting.
  • Costs incurred during the bid process that would have been incurred regardless of whether the contract was won or lost (e.g. due diligence costs) are recognised as an expense when incurred unless they are directly chargeable to the customer. This is regardless of whether the contract is obtained.
  • For costs other than the costs of obtaining the contract, a contractor would first consider if such costs can be capitalised under another standard (e.g. as inventory). If these costs cannot be capitalized, the contractor considers if these costs represent ‘fulfilment costs’ under IFRS 15.
2. Identifying contract performance obligations
  • IFRS 15 requires an entity to identify the performance obligations in a contract. A performance obligation is a promise to transfer a good or service to a customer. A performance obligation may be identified explicitly in the contract or implied through previous business practices, published policies or specific statements. A good or service is distinct from other goods and services, and so is a performance obligation if, firstly, the customer can benefit from the good or service either on its own or together with other resources that are readily available to the customer; and secondly the promise to transfer the good or service to the customer is separately identifiable from other promises in the contract.
3. Revenue Recognition
  • While IFRS 15 was under development, a key concern was whether contractors would continue to recognise revenue as the contract progresses, similar to the stage of completion method under IAS 11.
  • Under IFRS 15, revenue is recognised when, or as, performance obligations are satisfied through the transfer of control of a good or service to a customer. An entity recognises revenue over time if one or more of the following criteria are met:
    • The customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the entity’s performance as the entity performs – for example, routine or recurring services
    • The entity’s performance creates or enhances an asset that the customer controls as the asset is created or enhanced – for example, building an asset on a customer’s site
    • The entity’s performance does not create an asset with an alternative use to the entity and the entity has an enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date – for example, building a specialised asset that only the customer can use, or building an asset to a customer order.
  • If it cannot be demonstrated that a performance obligation is satisfied over time, then an entity recognises revenue at the point in time when it satisfies the performance obligation by transferring control of the completed good or service to a customer. IFRS 15 defines control as the ability to direct the use of and obtain substantially all of the remaining benefits from the asset. The benefits of an asset are the potential cash flows (inflows or savings in outflows) that can be obtained directly or indirectly.

During the contract life cycle

1. Capitalising of contract costs
  • An entity recognises an asset for the costs incurred to fulfil a contract (e.g. work in progress) when the criteria for recognising an asset are met. Costs that qualify for capitalisation under other standards – e.g. property, plant and equipment – continue to be capitalised under the relevant standards. IFRS 15 provides specific guidance on what costs are required to be expensed. The aim is to ensure that only costs that relate to satisfying (or continuing to satisfy) future performance obligations are capitalised with all other costs expensed off to profit or loss.
2. Measuring contract progress
  • If performance obligations are satisfied over time, i.e. similar to the current stage of completion accounting, an entity uses a measure of progress that depicts the transfer of goods or services to the customer in order to determine the amount of revenue to be recognized during the period. We, at Mighty Glory Corporate Solutions can help you on this for a smooth and efficient accounting and bookkeeping works, and other corporate secretarial services
  • An entity applies a single method of measuring progress for each performance obligation satisfied over time and applies that method consistently to similar performance obligations and in similar circumstances.
  • This may be one of the two methods:
    • An input method (e.g. contract costs incurred to date as a percentage of total forecast costs); or
    • An output method (e.g. surveys of work completed to date).
  • A contractor applying an input method excludes the effect of any inputs that do not depict its performance in transferring control of goods or services to the customer. For example, when using a cost-to-cost method, the contractor would exclude unexpected amounts of wasted materials, labour and any uninstalled materials.
How Does The Increased Water Prices Affect Singapore’s Various Industries?

How Does The Increased Water Prices Affect Singapore’s Various Industries?

At the 2017 Singapore Budget, it was announced that water prices were to increase for the first time in 17 years by up to 30 percent. Although the government made a clear attempt to reassure the media that “the increase is estimated to be less than $25 per month for three-quarters of businesses”, it is clear that a price hike would have a big impact for industries that are extremely water-intensive

For Singapore, two industries that would most likely be affected the most is our wafer manufacturing and petrochemical industries. For example, Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Co. Pte. Ltd. (SSMC)’s manufacturing processes require a daily water usage equivalent to 6,500 4-room flats, and up to 130,000 cubic metres of consistently good quality water per month. Given that Singapore is currently the choice location for the world’s top wafer foundries and a key manufacturing location for electronics, it is important to know that the water price hike would have a direct impact on the costs of these businesses; and in turn severely affect Singapore’s global competitiveness in these industries.


The impact of the water price hike on non-domestic users (businesses)

Potable Water Prices

Potable water prices for current, July 2017 and July 2018

The key revisions to the water prices are:

  • A 30% increase in water price, phased over 2 years, starting from 1 Jul 2017.
  • Restructuring of the Sanitary Appliance Fee and the Waterborne Fee into a single, volume-based fee.

NEW Water Prices

New water prices for current, July 2017 and July 2018

Key revisions to the NEWater prices are:

  • From July 2017, there will be an increase in NEWater tariff and a 10% Water Conservation Tax imposed on NEWater.
  • The increase in Waterborne Fee will be phased over two years, in July 2017 and in July 2018.

Industrial Water Prices

Industrial water prices for current, July 2017 and July 2018

Key revisions to the Industrial Water prices are:

  • The Industrial Water Tariff will be raised in one step from July 2017.
  • The Waterborne Fee increase will be phased over two years, in July 2017 and in July 2018.

Potable Water Prices for Shipping Customers

Potable water prices for shipping customers on current, July 2017 and July 2018
Five Advantages of Million Accounting System

Five Advantages of Million Accounting System

When consumers mention accounting software, several names like MYOB, ACCPAC and Quickbooks come to mind.  But have you ever heard of Million Accounting Software?  If you have not, let us have a quick look on this particular accounting tool.

Million Accounting System is a reputable accounting software and its technology is certified to have satisfied IRAS’s technical requirements.

User Friendliness

Whether the user is an internal finance personnel or a professional in an outsourcing firm, Million Accounting System is marked as an ideal choice because its interface is straightforward, functional and fully equips the users with essential features.  A non-IT savvy user does not have to spend too much time familiarizing with the software because all frequently-use reports can be generated easily.

Cost Effectiveness

Another beneficial quality about Million Accounting System is that it is immensely cost effective for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and newly start-ups which are working on limited budgets. Since the accounting software is accredited by IRAS, the buying companies could enjoy benefits under the Innovation and Capability Voucher (ICV) and Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) schemes.  It is recommended to check with authorized resellers to ascertain that the business has met all the claiming requirements before the investment is placed.  The acquiring cost is one-off.  There are no recurring costs, such as the annual subscription fee which are found in other accounting systems.


Million Accounting System is built with comprehensive features and designed for a wide range of functions.  Most of the essential elements for accounting, budgeting, analysis and reporting purposes have been catered for.  It supports multi-currency transactions, which means you do not have to worry on the double entries or complexity in computing the currency exchange difference if local currency is used to pay for purchases made in other currencies.  Million Accounting System is GST compliant for Singapore businesses so you can rest assured that a relevant report is available for regular submissions, so long as the accounting records are maintained in the system.


An added bonus during an unlikely event that Million Accounting System encounters a technical problem, personalized support is available at various modes (telephone, fax, email, remote access and onsite).  Online chats with experienced consultants allow minor issues to be rectified at the earliest time.  If the issue nature is major, onsite service could be easily arranged by contacting the local reseller or the main company itself.


If the company wishes to have in-depth exposure to determine if Million Accounting System is compatible with the business model or working culture, a trial version is available for free download.  This allows all relevant parties to access the system’s capabilities by having hand-on experience.

With the above five aspects, Million Accounting System is sufficient to be short-listed for consideration to be adopted by many local and international companies.

Do you have confusion and other related concerns regarding Million Accounting System? Mighty Glory Corporate Solutions offers accounting and tax, corporate secretarial, and administrative and software technical support services to businesses in Singapore. Contact us today to discuss your business needs.